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Counselling for issues in your life
It is very common to seek professional help when something comes up in our life. Sometimes we feel we might be edging towards crisis and are feeling distressed, other times we might feel that we are sort of in control, but also sort of not, and there are times when we just feel like we aren’t getting anywhere.
As a counsellor I would work with you in exploring the stories and events in your life that limit and constrain your personal growth and development, that cause you shame, anxiety or emotional harm, and also the stories and events that can also build your personal power and help you in your life journey.
Through my own personal experience of being in counselling I believe, and am committed to, the counselling process as a powerful agent for personal change. I believe it can lead us to experiences of personal insight and help us develop personal empathy for our past and present selves and that the experience of making even a very small change can make a powerful difference in our lives.
Do any of the following words or statements stand out as something that you might be feeling or experiencing at the moment?
I feel unheard
I have all these fights and arguments in my head, which end up impacting how I behave in the real world, but not in a good way
I have secrets that I feel ashamed about
I feel very alone, even with friends and family around me
I am not open to new experiences
I feel incapable of change
I feel distressed by what is going on for me at the moment
I feel a sense of sorrow that I cannot seem to shake
I feel like that are things that are holding me back
I am finding myself sexually and emotionally attracted to people of the same gender
I feel like I don’t have my own identity or purpose in life
I am in a relationship that is just not working and I am having trouble working out why and what to do about it.
I believe we can get stuck, by experiences from our past or present, by a sense of shame about ourselves, or our feelings, or be overwhelmed by confusion or a sense of paralysis and we cannot find our way to become un-stuck. It is very easy to find ourselves feeling frustrated by our own inability to fix or change things.
Sometimes sharing what is going on for us with family and friends helps, but sometimes we also may seek professional help or guidance. Counselling is a process where in a safe and confidential environment you can explore, examine, question and challenge what is going on for you. The general aims are that through this process you would gain personal insights, you would become more aware and be drawn more into the present and not have your issues holding you back so much. I like the word empowerment, because when you break it down, the process is about you holding the power for how you live your life, not your issues or your behaviour.
It can be very difficult for most of us to escape completely the issues in our lives that have moulded us and reinforced patterns of behaviour over many years. Self-awareness can be liberating, and making one small change, in response to new knowledge about ourselves that we may gain in counselling. has the potential to transform your life.